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Buddhism and the 12 Steps--in person and Zoom
Saturday 28 September 2024, 07:00pm - 08:30pm
Hits : 204197
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Cost: Free; donations are welcome

The Buddhist 12  Step Study Group (B12) explores how Buddhism and 12 Step programs like Alcoholics Anonymous ( NA, etc), can benefit and nurture each other. Both practices begin with the acknowledgement of suffering, the realization that suffering arises from craving, and that there is a solution. The path of the 12 Steps and the Noble Eightfold Path travel through remarkably similar territory and have much to offer each other.

We meet  every Saturday from  7:00-8:30 pm. Following a brief welcoming discussion and introduction period, there is a 20 minute guided meditation followed by reading and discussing books that connect Buddhism and the 12 Steps.  We close with a lovingkindness practice.  

No dues or fees; no need to pre-register.

No meditation experience or particular faith or spiritual practice is required. Neither is membership in a twelve step program. We are simply people exploring the path out of the suffering brought about by craving and clinging in whatever form it arises.

For more info contact:

Sue Noble
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