Wednesday Meditation Instruction & Discussion
7:00 - 8:30 p.m
Meditation Instruction, Discussion and Practice
Instructor: Andrea, Erin, Denise, Tim or Candace
Cost: Free; donations are welcome
Please join us on Wednesday evenings for an informal session with meditation instruction, meditation, and discussion. The discussion segment will be a time for questions and answers as well as teaching and dialogue on various topics pertinent to meditation and Buddhist teachings. Whether you are a one-time visitor, an occasional participant or regularly attend these evenings, we hope you will find them helpful. There is no cost but donations are most welcomed.
Buddhist 12 Step Group (B12) In Person and Zoom
Cost: Free; donations are welcome
The Buddhist 12 Step Study Group (B12) explores how Buddhism and 12 Step programs like Alcoholics Anonymous ( NA, etc), can benefit and nurture each other. Both practices begin with the acknowledgement of suffering, the realization that suffering arises from craving, and that there is a solution. The path of the 12 Steps and the Noble Eightfold Path travel through remarkably similar territory and have much to offer each other.
We meet every Saturday from 7:00-8:30 pm. Following a brief welcoming discussion and introduction period, there is a 20 minute guided meditation followed by reading and discussing books that connect Buddhism and the 12 Steps. We close with a lovingkindness practice.
No dues or fees; no need to pre-register.
No meditation experience or particular faith or spiritual practice is required. Neither is membership in a twelve step program. We are simply people exploring the path out of the suffering brought about by craving and clinging in whatever form it arises.
For more info OR to get on the B12 email list:
Daily Zoom Meditation
7 days a week; 7:00am to 7:40am
Cost: Free; donations are welcome
Join us for 40 minutes of silent meditation to start your day